Bridge between the Terrestrial and the Beyond
- Theory and Practice of Transcommunication -
by Hildegard Schaefer ()

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30. Special indications for all those interested in the research on transcommunication 

At the beginning of this book I already weighted the scales in favour of the conservative, say conventional methods of recording, with which everybody is able to experiment, provided he knows and observes the basic preconditions.

In the preceding chapters the reader has been confronted with several unusal methods; and not only voice contacts via the current equipment have been described, but also transcommunication methods of completely different kinds have been presented to him. Via telephone, video set and computer it is in these days already possible to establish wonderful connections with other dimensions. Despite of all this, it has to be pointed out again and again, that the use of the same equipment does not at all give a certainty for achieving equal contacts. Men – or better: the human minds -  are simply not identical, and there exist sufficient unmistakable indications from the Beyond that all appliances and equipment together cannot substitute the power of human thought.

The coherence between this world and the Beyond, the great unisono, is not dependent on devices. Even if we installed all the equipment available and additionally switched on all conceivable auxiliary and complementary appliances, success were not sure, if we, the humans, would not function in the right way. By “function” I understand a great lot. Not only good will, positive mental attitude, concentration – and not only love for those with whom to have contacts we long for. We have to change the poles of our entire thinking, we have to orient it not solely towards a contact with our deceased, but also to our life with those living in this world. 

Those who do not get telephone contacts (which, anyway, happen in isolated cases only and cannot be forced), who do not dispose of a computer and who do not find the time and patience for trying video recordings which – as results from the reports of Klaus Schreiber and Martin Wenzel – require high cost expenditure and a lot of time, should not be sad and heavy-hearted about it, but should turn to the very simple, well-established recording methods.

To console them, I wish to state here that until recently I have been doing recordings  simply and solely with a tape recorder and – except of an old, small radio – did not use any further additional devices. It is not more than a year that I had me build a Psychofon, acquired a pre-amplifier, and that I occasionally use an infrared lamp or a Feldgenerator (field generator). My voices, however, did not improve by this. I can only refer to my personal experience  and cannot speak for other experimenters who swear to one or the other complementary appliance. In any case I deem it very important not to suppress the fact I have experienced. From letters, telephone conversations and cassettes sent to me, I know that many people who, too, use only  the simplest devices can present very good success. When I get to hear excellent voice examples, my first question always is: How or with what equipment have you done the recordings ? Very rarely only I then hear of big installations, expensive appliances, or even new discoveries or inventions. In almost every case merely the conservative recording methods are mentioned.

In order to underpin my assertion that good recording results can be achieved with the conventional methods, I give below a small selection out of the thousands of voice examples I have been able to minute in the course of almost seventeen years of experimenting. All these voices have come off without the use of any additional appliance. I minuted, filed and transmitted them on cassettes. Nearly all of them are loud, well hearable A-voices, for I never transmitted equivocal, low or vague voices. They do not speak long passages, do not convey scientific findings, or philosophic or religious terms difficult to interprete, like such we note with different experimenters presented in this book, but simple, unpretentious sentences. And despite of this I can assure with full conviction that the pleasure felt by me, and the other participants in a recording, at the receipt of such voices is as great as that felt by the experimenters receiving extensive and pensive (often difficult to interprete) fade-ins. With my voice examples I wish to encourage all those who, after the description of the most recent results obtained in the research on transcommunication, may feel insecure and like wanting to give up.

I. Voices having arrived on the tape prior  to a recording
I accustomed myself to switching the magnetic-tape recorder on before beginning the actual recording session; this in order to also record the conversation we have in our circle. Very often it happens that the first voices manifest already during this time.

1st  Example 11/925:                                


I want to listen too – please – radio is already there – I did hear you – we come – begin there – take this wave (ich will mithoeren - bitte - Radio ist schon da - ich habe euch gehoert - wir kommen - beginn da - nimm diese Welle)

Example 11/1010:
While our conversations go on, I try to find a suitable frequency on my radio and say: “This one is not good.” Thereupon a voice says:


Go away – you can’t there – trial has – switch over – we hear – we wait – many want (to come) to you  (weggehen – ihr koennt da nicht – Versuch hat – schalt um – wir hoeren – wir warten – viele wollen zu dir) 

2nd  Example 5/233:

Earth does adjustment  (Erde stellt ein)

3rd  Example 12/654:

We are all here – we now hear/listen with you – you have got the possibility – the chance  (wir sind alle da – wir hoeren nun mit dir – ihr habt die Moeglichkeit bekommen – die Chance)

4th Example 6/137:

we are all here – be happy – it runs well – I(‘ll) get in touch – do you hear – me too to there – I am so happy – do we want to fetch Ulla too ?  You didn’t say a word yet – begin – am here just now  (wir sind alle da – freu dich – es geht gut – ich meld mich  - hoert ihr – ich auch dahin – ich bin so gluecklich – wollen wir auch die Ulla holen ?  Ihr habt ja noch gar nichts gesagt – fangt an – bin gerade hier.)

5th  Example 6/166:   I say: “We begin now.”

But of course – we don’t forget – we come – we need you – I(‘ll) get my turn too – we can speak – by breathing.  (aber natuerlich – wir vergessen nicht – wir kommen – wir brauchen euch – ich komm auch dran – wir koennen sprechen – durch Atmen.)

6th  Example 8/1427:

are in ready position already – coming immediately !  (sind schon in Bereitstellung – kommen sofort !)

When, in example 4, it is said “
do we want to fetch Ulla too ?” (“wollen wir auch die Ulla holen ?”) they refer to a mother who was present and wanted to call her deceased daughter Ulla. She did so later, and Ulla was able to make contact with very good articulation.
In example 5 it is said “
we can speak – by  breathing(“wir koennen sprechen durch Atmen”).  A highly interesting statement, but difficult to understand.

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II. Voices having come through after a welcome at the beginning of a recording:
According to my experience, most of the voices come through right after the beginning of a recording. Perhaps this could be explained by the fact that in the starting phase still sufficient energy is available, with those in this world, as well as with those in the Beyond.

1st  Example 8/1972: 
“We are glad.”

We glad about you – and that we have friends – we greet you heartily today.  (wir freuen ueber dich – und dass wir Freunde haben – wir gruessen dich heute herzlich)

2nd  Example 12/348:
„I thank you from all my heart for the good contacts.“

You (will) still get many – call on us ! (du bekommst ja noch viele – ruf an !)

3rd  Example 12/1090:
„We try it again today.“

Yes, the dead, the dead – they know it already.  (ja die Toten, die Toten – die wissen das schon.)

4th  Example 1/839:
“We are four today, I hope we are agreeable to you.“

we hope too – we wait – concentrate yourselves  (wir hoffen auch – wir warten – konzentriert euch.)

5th  Example 3/790:
„Are you close by (us) ?“

Every word is heard here – everybody is known here  (man hört hier jedes Wort – man kennt jeden hier.)

6th  Example 7/1233:
“Please help all together.”

With your help we can come – will make effort – come to Goldbach  (mit deiner Hilfe koennen wir kommen – werden Muehe geben – kommen nach Goldbach.)

7th  Example 6/1019:
„I switch on the Juergenson wave.“

We have found the position – know magnetic tape better than she/they – this now is the deads’ sphere  (wir haben die Stelle gefunden – kenne Tonband besser als sie – das ist nun der Toten Sphaere.)

In example 3 the words “yes the dead, the dead” are sung almost a little mockingly, for in reality they are not “dead”.

Example 6:
We need the “inhabitants” of the Beyond for getting contacts. But there is always giving and taking, those in the Beyond need us too. – Goldbach is my place of residence.
In example 7 it is said: “We have found the position”. This is correct, since Friedrich Juergenson’s friends in the Beyond had drawn his attention to this frequency. Juergenson having been the first to work with this wave, it has been given the name “Juergenson wave”.


III. Several interesting voice examples – advices – indications – statements

1st  Example 11/35:

Hilda, do not shriek private.  (Hilda, schrei nicht privat.)

2nd  Example 12/79:
Because I had caught a heavy cold, I spoke the welcome with hoarse voice.

Mummy, go to bye-byes – healthy.   (Mutti, geh in die Heia – healthy.)

3rd  Example 1/344:
„There are disparities of views in the association.“

Hildegard go the way despite of it – continue on the way.  (Hildegard den Weg trotzdem gehen – den Weg weiter gehen.)

4th  Example 4/1041:
„Many people go in fear of death.“

Death does not exist – nobody dies – nobody – is lost.  (Den Tod gibt es gar nicht – niemand stirbt – niemand – ist verloren.)

5th  Example 6/142:
„Are animals also with you ?“

Animals are here also in reality.  (Tiere sind auch in Wirklichkeit da.)

6th  Example 5/57:
A lady participating in the circle says: „Has my pussy-cat arrived with you ? Is away from home four days already.“

Pascha has not arrived here.   (Pascha ist hier nicht angekommen.)

7th  Example 8/62:
„I cannot get the Juergenson wave.“

Only from the bridge – overlapping.  (Nur von der Brücke – Überlappung.)

8th  Example 5/389:
„He has left his wife and his children – because of an other -  what do you say to this ?”

His behaviour is unbearable.   (Sein Verhalten ist untragbar.)

9th  Example 2/15:
„Is your life completely different from our’s here on earth ?“

We are more than the years behind us.  (Wir sind mehr als die Jahre hinter uns.)

10th  Example 9/395:
„Many men do still not believe in a life after death.“

Your dead – your dead speaks now !  (Ihre Tote – ihre Tote spricht jetzt !”)

11th  Example 1/1134:
“What is the most important for you now ?”

Order – such order.  (Ordnung – solche Ordnung.)

12th  Example 3/48:
“Can you tell us something about God ?“

God is within us.  (Gott ist in uns.)

Example 1: 
In the course of a controversy at home I had become loud. The “inhabitants” of the Beyond blamed me for it. Probably this woman’s voice belonged to a deceased family member (mother or sister), because I had been callen “Hilda” only when a child.
Example 6: 
The partners in the Beyond were right, because the disappeared cat came back the next day.
Example 9: 
A somewhat strange statement. Perhaps its meaning could be that our being here on the earth represents only a short, unimportant period of time as compared to the stay in the other dimension.
Example 10:
  “Your dead” -  referred to my daughter who thereafter in fact spoke – “speaks now”. This furnishes the proof that deads do not exist.
Example 11: 
Regarding this statement,  one automatically thinks of the organized forces in nature, in the cosmos, in brief of a godlike order. Overmore this word “order” is said twice, what equals an underlining.
Example 12:
  This reply reminds me the novel of Josef Witt Roman mit Gott (Novel with God) , in which the author speaks of a milligramme of God being active in each of us.

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IV.  We are repeatedly told of the beautiful life in the Beyond.

Here just a few examples:

1st  Example 4/18:
“Is it hard if one has to leave this earth so young ?”

I would not like to go back (Heli S.)  (Ich moechte nicht mehr zurueck.)

2nd  Example 8/1496:
„You, too, are on the other side now.“

Now I have got life – glad from heart.  (Ich habe jetzt das Leben bekommen – freue mich von Herzen.)

3rd  Example 7/12:
„How did you find the Beyond ?”

Feel inclined to go and fetch you.  (Moechte dich am liebsten rueberholen.)

4th  Example 4/1046:
„How do you see the connection between the earthly world and the Beyond ?“

One still can like/love somebody – one can hear one’s beloved – telephone !  (Man kann jemand noch gern haben – man kann seine Liebsten hoeren – Telefon !)

5th  Example 2/106:
„Gerda, now you, too, are on the other side.“

Gerda has awaked here – you must tell it her children – she now has the (divine) grace.  (Gerda ist erwacht hier – das musst du ihren Kindern sagen – sie hat jetzt die Gnade.)

Example 2: 
This statement yet implies that life begins in the Beyond after our bodily death and that our birth is not the beginning of life – as most men assume - and death is not the end of our life.
Example 5
can be similarly interpreted. When arriving in the Beyond, one awakes into life.


V.  Various further voice examples

1st  Example 4/98:
“The murder of the juvenile affects us a lot – the murderer –“

Has way out as flight.   (Hat Ausweg als Flucht.)

2nd  Example 9/244:
“I hope you can hear me.”

Indeed you are in my soul.  (Doch du bist in meiner Seele.)

3rd  Example 6/989:
„We often think of you with pleasure.“

We answer to your questions – you just have to listen.  (Wir geben Antwort auf eure Fragen – muesst nur hoeren.)

4th  Example 2/524:
„- after a long pause –“

You have incitement again – we make demonstration – you (will) all come again then.  (Du hast wieder Ansporn – wir machen Demonstration – ihr kommt dann wieder alle.)

5th  Example 2/550:
„- today once again –“

Hildegard, but you are doing little.  (Hildegard, du machst aber wenig.)

6th  Example 8/71:
„Can he reply ?”

His excellency gives answer – I (will) come then and get in touch because you are my good one.  (Seine Exzellenz gibt Antwort – ich komme dann und melde mich, weil du meine Gute bist.)

7th  Example 7/834:
„Can you get in touch (with me/us) ?”

From time to time I am allowed to do it.   (Es wird mir hin und wieder gestattet.)

8th  Example 4/1005:
„After having laid down the material body –„

We are the reality.  (Wir sind die Wirklichkeit.)

9th  Example 10/1090:
„Can she speak already ?“

She is (being) checked already – soon perhaps possible   (Sie wird schon kontrolliert – bald vielleicht moeglich.) 

10th Example 1/91:
“dear Ulla –“

Ulla will come here then. Ulla can also come backwards.  (Ulla kommt dann her. Ulla kann auch rueckwaerts kommen.)

11th Example 9/1370:
„His wife has crossed over to the other side.“

An important process.   (Ein wichtiger Prozess.)

12th Example 12/1087:
„Do you hear us ?“

We hear tones here – a whole ski-jump of voices.   (Wir hoeren hier Toene – eine ganze Sprungschanze Stimmen.)

13th Example 5/1610:
„Can our call also disturb you ?“

By no means – have I prompted – being good has/have word – believe the bridge. (Keineswegs – hab ich vorgesagt – Gutsein haben Wort – glaub der Bruecke.)

14th Example 6/1121:
„I greet Zenta Maurina.“

Zenta in heaven’s office.   (Zenta im Himmelsbuero.)

15th Example 3/871:
„I would be very grateful for a loud voice for my archive.“

Is not utilized at all.   (Wird ja gar nicht ausgenuetzt.) 

16th Example 9/33:
„– zu unserem Gespräch über Gott –„

God is international.  (Gott ist international.)

17th Example 8/44:
„Can you see us ?“

We answer from good sight.   (Wir antworten aus guter Sicht.)

18th Example 8/69:
„Can you see us always ?“

We can see you many a day.   (Wir können dich sehen manchen Tag.)

Example 1: 
The murderer of the young woman was never found. It is said he were a foreigner who went back to his home country after the crime. As often, in this sentence the words were spoken in a wrong sequence. It should be: “Has flight as way out.”
In example 2 we have a “voice from a conserve”
Example 4:  I
t results clearly from this answer that the “inhabitants” of the Beyond wish having contact with us and even become annoyed if we interrupt recordings for a longer time. The same applies to example 5.
Example 6:
  A lady participating in the circle had callen a deceased neighbour of whom she told that he had been rather high-nosed. Perhaps this explains the somewhat ironical tone of the designation “his excellency” ?
Examples 7 and 9 
make plain our conception or notion that not every entity in the Beyond is allowed to manifest and that even controls are made. When one experiences frequently how many voices come simultaneously on the tape, such measures are understandable. With certainty there are many “inhabitants” who want to speak, but if all did, a gibberish not understandable for us would come out.
Example 8 
indicates that the life after  our bodily death will be our proper, real life and that we, who consider this life here on earth to be so ineffably important and the only reality, probably lead a shadowy existence only.
Example 10 
could be a hint to listen to the backward playing tape for voices, because our interlocutors in the Beyond can make themselves additionally hearable that way.
Example 11: 
Death, or the passing into the other world, is an important process, perhaps the most important in our existence.
Example 12: 
When our partners in the Beyond here speak of a “ski-jump”, a picture produces in our imagination. At the ski-jump ski-springers wait for their turn. Perhaps those in the Beyond wait similarly (queue-up?) for who will be going to jump and who not, respectively who may speak and who not. A witty comparison, and those in the Beyond often express themselves in a very ingenious and apposite manner.
Example 13: 
“Being good” is mentioned with priority; and equally important seems to be the “bridge”.
Example 15: 
Our interlocutors in the Beyond were right and blamed me, for I was quite behind in minuting the voices and filing them in the archive and, at that time, had to add those of several months.
In example 16 reference is made to a conversation we had in our circle before the recording, and which bore upon different religions.

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VI.  Special examples 

Our interlocutors in the Beyond surprise us again and again anew with their statements. For example, hints arrive about occurrences of which we cannot know anything, but which can be proven by facts. We have received predictions that have proved true afterwards, and we get answers to questions not pronounced, but thought only.  And often they reply to questions before we pronounce them. And again and again results from their enouncements that they are not only able to hear, but also to see us. That, furthermore, they can answer us in any language is another phenomenon incomprehensible to us.

Innumerable examples exist for all these peculiarities. Here I want to put down each one example only.

  1. A hobby pilot, overdue with his private aircraft for four days already, could not be localized. His mother felt great anxiety and asked me to ask for his whereabouts in a voice recording. I followed her wish, and it was said clearly and distinctly: “He has given up his life.” (“Er hat sein Leben abgegeben.“) – I did not pass this message to his mother. Only after - two days later - she had informed me that her son had crashed and is dead, I spoke about it. We should accept every message with caution, for we do not know who passes it.

  2. When doing a voice recording in my house, a Lufthansa flight-captain and well-known author did not want to call a deceased friend and colleague, but wanted to put his question in thought. I gave him this thinking pause and noted down the number indicated by the recorder’s counter. In that place where the question was put to the partners in the Beyond by thinking, it can be heard: “I hear you easily.”  (Ich hoere dich bequem.“)

  3. One participant in our circle sat bent forward, covering his face with both his hands so as to permit better concentration. When listening to the tape we heard: “Till veils his face.”  (“Der Till verhuellt sein Gesicht.“)  A proof for our interlocutors’ ability to also see us.

  4. Once I had the visit of four young men of India coming from Hamburg. They put their questions in their mother-tongue Hindi. And all the questions were answered in this language. Repeatedly the words “Ghandi” and “Indira” were spoken, for these Indians had asked for Indira Ghandi. They understood all the messages and translated them to us.

Now follow a few examples referring to my deceased daughter Heli, or spoken by herself.

1st  Example 1/107:
A beautiful voice that made me very glad and happy, mixed in between a very loud Italian text. It drowned the sender and shouted:

“Hilde – Heli likes you !“  (“Hilde, Heli mag dich !“)

This example delighted everyone.

2nd Example 7/1162:
“Your voice on the tape touched me a lot.” 

Remain on intimate terms with Heli – we, too, thank (you) – we do it together – was just the prelude.  (“Bleib Heli verbunden – auch wir danken – machen es im Verein – war ja nur der Auftakt.”)

3rd Example 5/47:
„Zenta Maurina, do you know Heli ?“

Oh yes, Heli – she is a dear, she can wake (one) up well !  (“Ja die Heli – die ist so lieb, die kann gut wecken !”)

4th Example 9/571:
“Dear Heli, you are dead already fifteen years now.”

But it was only yesterday !   (“Das war doch erst gestern !”) 

5th Example 2/341: 
„Zenta, it is a long time since I have heard Heli.“

Perhaps Heli did not come through.   (“Vielleicht ist Heli nicht durchgekommen.“)

6th Example 6/34: 
„Dear Heli, is it hard that you had to leave this earth so young ?“

Never I would like to go back.   (“Ich moechte nie mehr zurueck.”)

7th Example 4/434:
„Heli, can you hear me ?“

Oh, I am so happy – I will learn.   (“Oh, ich bin so gluecklich – ich werde lernen.“) 

8th Example 1/1849:
„Dear Heli, is it really true that you are painting with van Gogh ?“

Yes, the ability, here the ability is joined – we see this with pleasure.   (“Ja, die Faehigkeit, hier ist die Faehigkeit zusammengebracht – wir sehen das gerne.”)

9th Example 2/149:
„Tell me if it is really true that Heli paints with van Gogh.“

Four different voices:
You hit it – yes, correct, are together – van Gogh is here, too. 
(“Erraten – ja richtig – sind zusammen – van Gogh ist ja auch hier.“)

Example 3: 
What Zenta Maurina said here with her unmistakable voice (she is a Lett) is one of many indications on a „time of rest“ after the bodily death. The deceased “sleeps” and is then “awaked” to new life. When somebody dies, we, for example, also say he/she “has taken his/her last sleep”. On the other hand there is the “awakening” on the other side. Via other mediumistic practices I have been told that Heli is an “awakening angle” or a “mentor during passings”.
Example 4 
 is the best example for the timelessness in the Beyond. What are fifteen years ? Like “yesterday” !
Example 6 
has been mentioned already in an other passage. But it pertains to Heli, because it was spoken with her voice. – A sentence having the power to soothe every mourning sorrow.
Regarding the examples 7 and 8, I must explain that Heli had versatile talents for art and was particularly fond of drawing and painting. She had already attended schools for this field of activities. Via magnetic tape, as well as via other mediumistic channels, I had repeatedly been told that van Gogh be her teacher. When here it is said “ability is joined”
(Faehigkeit zusammengebracht), the old wisdom “birds of a feather flock together” is confirmed. Also via the Euro bridge at Harsch-Fischbach in Luxemburg it was said to me by Konstantin Raudive:
“Your daughter, dear Hildegard Schaefer, is here active in an artist-like group whose members have gathered for the supreme glory of the almighty.” 
(“Ihre Tochter, liebe Hildegard Schaefer, ist hier in einer kuenstlerischen Gruppe taetig, die sich zur hoechsten Ehre der Allmacht zusammengefunden hat.“)

Whether one likes it or not, one will have to believe so many statements of even tenor.

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Over a longer period, young journalists were regularly coming to me for doing recordings. Initially it was out of curiosity and with the intention to reveal the swindle, then, later, they came with great enthusiasm and true conviction. They often had the wish to get in contact with prominent deceased they had known personally, so as to give consolation to the surviving dependents.  

Here a few examples:

1.  Peter Frankenfeld:

Here is Frankenfeld – good evening – Lonny – it’s splendid there.  (Hier ist Frankenfeld – guten Abend – Lonny – dort ist es prima.

2.   René Deltgen:
Singing:  Deltgen is happy. 
(Deltgen ist gluecklich.)

Deltgen’s voice:  Sometimes I languished for it. 

3.  Theo Lingen:
“With your humor you rejoiced many people.”  
(“Du hast mit deinem Humor viele Menschen erfreut.”)

Am here – Lingen. One may well say so.  (Bin hier – Lingen. Das kann man wohl sagen.) 

4. Heinz Ehrhardt:
„How do you feel now ?”

The actor ? – he kept dinning in my ears already before – here I am – I was told so.
I see and hear on the one side – good we live – is an other world – am now with (my) hobby – he loves his texts.  
(“Den Schauspieler ? – der hat mir in den Ohren gelegen schon vorher – hier bin ich – man hat es mir gesagt.   Ich seh und hoer auf der einen Seite – gut wir leben – ist eine andere Welt – bin jetzt beim Hobby – er liebt seine Texte.“)

5. Joseph Offenbach:
„Please (give) a message for your wife.”


(incomprehensible babbling in Hessian dialect) then: The script – today we know it – the Wilhelmshoeh – when we meet again – Then I will be happy.  (“Das Drehbuch – heute wisse mers – die Wilhelmsheh – Wenn wir uns wiedersehen – da freu ich mich.“)

6.  Heinz Schmiedel:


Do we want to wake Schmiedel already ? Telephone alarm !!  Yes – Heinz Schmiedel – Elke – but he lives – he has arrived here.   (“Wollen wir den Schmiedel schon wecken ? Telefonalarm !! Ja - Heinz Schmiedel – Elke – er lebt doch – er ist hier angekommen.“)

7.  Werner Finck:
„Have you got well to the other side ?“

The old clown. One may well say that.   (“Der alte Clown. Das kann man wohl sagen.“)

8.  Zarah Leander:

I’ll fetch her – Zarah Leander is there.   (“Ich hole sie. – Zarah Leander ist da.“) 

Example 2: 
A female voice sings „Deltgen is happy.”  The then following male voice should be Deltgen’s. Probably this statement is to be interpreted in that sense that he had longed for death because of his serious illness.
Example 4: 
The contact with Heinz Ehrhardt to me seems to be a particularly happy stroke. Apparently he knew already prior to our recording that he would be callen and was very much looking forward to it. We asked him how he feels now, for at his death the major part of his body was paralysed and he was no more able to speak. Since our wish for contact was expressed already shortly after his passing, it might be that his recovery had not yet completed. The words about his hobby and his texts confirm the supposition that one carries one’s individuality along into the Beyond.
Example 5:
  One must know that Joseph Offenbach had been born in Offenbach, Hessia, and lived in Darmstadt, also in Hessia. He spoke the Hessian dialect which was only partly understandable to us.  He, too, seemed to still strongly stick to earthly activities for he spoke of a script. Wilhelmshöhe is the area of the artists of Darmstadt.
Example 6:
  Three days prior to our making contact, dancer Heinz Schmiedel had suddenly deceased from heart insufficiency. Probably therefore came the question “Do we want to wake Schmiedel already ?” Elke is the name of the journalist who asked for him and wanted to transmit some words to his wife.
Example 7:
  Werner Finck called himself an “old clown”. Nobody of our round knew this, but I knew a writer who had been a close friend of him. She recognized his voice at once and confirmed that this saying originates from him.

I believe that these statements, picked out of the big number of voice examples I have entered into my archive, are fully sufficient to encourage all those who are at war with technical things, and, above all, to make apparent that also short passages can be quite significant and give the lie to those few who still consider such voices as “banalities”.   

Quite consciously I have chosen fade-ins from the time when I still worked without any additional appliances. They have been received using only a magnetic-tape recorder and a radio.

I know that many of my colleagues can present such or similarly good voice examples. Many thick books about all these results could be written and thousands of cassettes could be filled with excellent statements from the Beyond. – My results, laid down here on paper, shall be not more than an information, which however I deem so important that I absolutely had to add it before ending. After so many pages of messages from the Beyond, partly hardly imaginable for us, we should not forget but call to our mind the unpretentious voices of our friends in the Beyond that have made us glad over an era and that have become very dear to us.

Certainly, research shall not stagnate. We all wish to achieve more and not to content us for all times with our initial successes, but we should never forget that they depend not only from our will and our ability/skill, but that we depend on the willingness of our friends in the Beyond. 

Whether we have more or less success must not have so much influence on our basic attitude.

We should realize that it is an immense grace that we are granted these contacts at all;  our gratitude should equal it.   

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